Join us once again for Mahj for Meals. This event allows attendees to play a game that they love and support a cause that is close to their hearts. Mahj for Meals hosts 450 players who enjoy several rounds of mah jongg, cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, and prizes.
Morning Play: Registration opens at 8:15 am. Play 9:00 am – 11:50 am
Must switch tables, seated lunch, silent auction, fortune cookie surprise and raffle.
Mid-Day Soiree: SOLD OUT – Registration opens at 1:30 pm. Play 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Switching tables is optional, heavy hors d’oeuvres, cocktails, music, silent auction, fortune cookie surprise and raffle.
After Dark: SOLD OUT – Please contact Jenna Guess to be added to the wait list.
Registration opens at 6:00 pm. Play 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Switching tables is optional, dinner, cocktails, silent auction, fortune cookie surprise and raffle.
A special thank you to Megan, creator of Oh My Mahjong, for providing all of the Mahjong sets at this year’s Mahj for Meals event. Even better? These sets will be available for purchase during the event with a generous discount and a portion of the money raised going to Tarrant Area Food Bank, providing more meals to children in need.
If for any reason Mahj for Meals is cancelled or you are unable to attend, your purchase will be considered a donation to Tarrant Area Food Bank.
If you have any questions, please contact Jenna Guess at or 817-857-7037.
Mahj for Meals Fast Facts
Sponsorship Opportunities
NEW Introducing Canasta!
Need Mahjong Lessons?
2024 Mahj for Meals Committee
Mahj for Meals Chairs – Meredith Ray and Mackenzie Zwick
Mahj for Meals Chair-Elects – Lorene Agather and Elizabeth Brhlik
Lauren Aycock
Lizzy Bentley
Blair Cantrell
Cameron Colyer
Paige Cooper
Eden Delaune
Danielle Dollahite
Julia Gadberry
Lacey Green
Charlotte Knapp
Lindsay Lawrence
Alissa Leaderer
Katie Myers
Molly Millett
Madison Muckleroy
Katie Nichols
Rachel Navejar Phillips
Megan Porterfield
Becca Quisenberry
Kelley Roberts
Amanda Schooler
Riley Tillman
Emilie Watson
Ann Clinkscales
Kim Darden
Nancy Dozier
Kelly Ann Ewin
Nancy Hallman
Janie Harper
Margaret Harper
Ann House
Marilyn Kobs
Cindy Kypreos
Cameron Newberry
Frasher Pergande
Dana Porter
Selma Sherman
Adair Shannon
Kathleen Stepp
Allie Turney