Mobile Food Pantries: Driving Out Hunger

Mobile food pantries continue to be Tarrant Area Food Bank’s fastest growing outlet for providing fresh, nutritious food to hungry North Texans. Since October 2018, more than 6 million meals have been made possible through mobile food pantries.

Our first mobile food pantry took place in 2009. Today, more than 80 Mobile Pantries take place across North Texas.

How Mobile Pantries Work

Mobile Pantries make it possible for Tarrant Area Food Bank to get fresh food to tables even faster. We deliver the food and community organizations provide the space and volunteers to run each Mobile Pantry.

Volunteers help with pantry setup, welcome guests, carry groceries to cars and more. When guests arrive, they are able to select fresh produce and more.

Some Mobile Pantries take place on a set schedule while others are one-time events to meet specific needs that arise in communities.

Get Help and Give Help

If you or a loved one needs food, visit our Mobile Pantries page to view our latest schedule.

If you are interested in volunteering for a Mobile Pantry, visit our Volunteer page to find an opportunity near you.

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