How the 2020 Census Affects Your Local Food Bank

Every ten years, the US counts its population in an event called the census. Based on population shifts, nearly 700 billion dollars in federal funds are granted to communities and programs that need them most.

Despite myths, the census is a completely safe and necessary process. The census cannot release responses to the police and is prohibited from asking whether responders are US citizens. It is illegal for census forms to be used for anything other than counting purposes.

And what happens once everyone is counted?

  • Businesses build stores, offices, and factories in areas of population growth, creating more jobs
  • Local governments can anticipate numbers of officers and first responders needed to maintain public safety
  • Real estate experts focus on building new homes and renovating old neighborhoods where populations have grown

The census also affects your local food bank. Food banks like Tarrant Area Food Bank regularly provide food for hard-to-count populations. This includes summer meals for children, mobile pantries for seniors, and our farmers markets intended for WIC (women, infants, and children). With your participation in the 2020 census, TAFB will receive enough funding to continue providing these services.

Because Texas is one of the hungriest states in America, an accurately census count is vital. Only then can TAFB continue feeding everyone in our 13 counties who need a nutritious meal, and possibly be able to reach more. We encourage you to participate in the census this March and emphasize the census’s importance to others. Eliminating the fear of being counted will ensure your community is properly counted and can continue to thrive.


Learn what questions will be on the census and why they are being asked

View a full preview of the 2020 census

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