Our Programs

Nutrition Education

TAFB offers free health and wellness services to organizations that serve low-income or food-insecure populations. Our team of nutrition professionals provide education and training to empower our communities to alleviate hunger and improve health.

Community Garden

Through this program, community members learn about effective gardening techniques while they help tend the garden and grow nutritious fruits and vegetables that are distributed to those in need through out our 13 county service area.

Ready to Learn - Youth Programs

This children’s initiative will sharpen the focus and broaden the impact on educational outcomes through the expansion of in-school pantries and targeted kids' programming .

Senior Box Program

The Commodity Supplemental Food Program allows for qualifying seniors to receive a monthly box of USDA food to supplement their diets. To qualify for the program, applicants must be 60 or older and within the income guidelines.

Recipe Library

Eating well on a budget never tasted so good. Our Recipe Library is an extension of our nutrition awareness campaign, encouraging people to cook at home with tasty ingredients that are also affordable.

Farmers Market Nutrition Programs

These programs provide assistance to WIC recipients and seniors over 60 years of age through vouchers that can be used to purchase fresh produce at local farmers markets.
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