What is the Junior Ambassador Program?

The Junior Ambassador Program is an opportunity for high school students who are enthusiastic about ending hunger and want to engage in advocacy efforts, become knowledgeable about TAFB’s work, get hands-on leadership experience, and earn community service hours. 

High school junior and senior participants are eligible for a paid internship next summer at TAFB. Junior Ambassadors will learn to:

  • Reduce the stigma associated with food insecurity
  • Delve into the root causes of hunger
  • Provide peer-support
  • Develop strong leadership skills
  • Become an advocate for change

What are the eligibility requirements?

  • High school studnets (9th – 12th grade) during the 2024-2025 school year
  • Parent/guardian permission
  • Committed to attending monthly meetings at Tarrant Area Food Bank, located just west of downtown Fort Worth.

How do I apply?

Complete the digital application and upload a Letter of Refernce. The application deadline extended, APPLY TODAY!

Questions? Contact Madison Owen at madison.owen@tafb.org or 817-857-7156.

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